R. Narasimhan
A Chemist by profession in the Agro Chemical Industry, he went on to establish his own unit in the name of Ramcides in 1973. He also served as the Managing Director until March 2005. Thereafter he passed... Thereafter he passed the mantle over to R Padmanaban & entrusted him the responsibility of taking the organization to the next level of growth. Now he occupies a position of Chairman. Mr. R Narasimhan has in-depth knowledge of the pesticides industry and formulation techniques as well as marketing strategies. He has served as the Secretary of the Federation of Pesticides Manufacturers Association (FOPMA) and Tamil Nadu Formulators Association for the last 11 years. He also serves as Managing Trustee for Ramcides Education Trus Mr. Narasimhan holds key positions in several service organizations with whom he has a long and fruitful association thereby contributing to society's betterment.

R Padmanaban
Managing Director
A commerce business graduate Mr. R Padmanaban was appointed the Head of Operations in April 2004, and became the Managing Director in 2005 An aggressive learner, he has been instrumental... in Ramcides's rapid growth during 2005-10. Mr. Padmanaban has attended various seminars and symposiums on Agro Chemicals, including the Asia Pacific Crop Protection Council meetings, CAC at Shanghai. Not only has Mr. Padmanaban traveled abroad to meet with our overseas customers and establish further contact, but he has also been recognized by many organizations for his social contributions and commands a good respect among fellow industrialists. He now serves as the Managing Director of the Company which is poised to scale great height.

R Gopal
A certified Chartered Accountant, he was the driving force behind SDS Ramcides's success. His 33 years of experience in the business and excellent rapport with fellow industrialists have given him a unique perspective ... on the industry. Mr. Gopal's strategies have helped Ramcides move forward with futuristic goals, enabling the company to deliver products in the very near future. In light of the growing demand for its products and the platform from which it can deliver them in the future, Mr. Gopal believes that Ramcides has a very bright future ahead of it.

P Pravin
A commerce graduate armed with MBA, Mr P Pravin has been part of the organisation in various roles and functions since 2009. He has played critical role in strategic journey of the organisation... taking part and driving several key initiatives, in various geographies in domestic and international business, driving growth. He, along with other Directors, has played a key role in turning around operations since 2018 and he has joined the board in 2021 and has been driving operations and teams, in various functions, strengthening the processess and systems with adoption of latest technology and preparing the organisation towards Vision Goals. Has extensive rapport with many Industry players and has wide exposure to dynamics of the business. He is well poised to lead the organisation to greater heights in future.
Several milestones have shaped Ramcides into the company that it is today.
First unit inaugurated in Chennai with Dust production1983
Commenced direct marketing in domestic markets1985
Set up the first manufacturing unit in Pudukkottai, Tamilnadu and Liquid Pesticides formulation included in the product portfolio1998
Mega celebration of Silver Jubilee Anniversary.2000
Made a major capital investment in an automated granulation plant2004
Certified with ISO 9001:2000 for Pudukottai Factory2008
Investment in Ramcides by ePlanet Ventures (PE)2009
Certified with ISO 14001:2004 for Jammu factory2010
Recognition of Our In-house Research & Development Unit by DSIR, Defence Technology Absorption Award 2008. Upgraded to ISO 9001:2008 by International Quality Certification. WDG Plant setup in Jammu unit.2012
SC Plant setup in Pudukkottai2013
Acquisition of majority stake by SDS Biotech K.K, Idemitsu Kosan Group, Japan.2014
New products launched in partnership with Syngenta, PI Industries, Rallis India, Coromandel & Makhteshim.2015
Certified with ISO 9001:2008 for Ambattur- Chennai Factory.2018
SDS Exit and re-acquisition of control by Family2021
Certified as “Great Place to Work” by GPTW2022
Renewal of certification as “ Great Place To Work” by GPTW for second year2023
Golden Jubilee Year being celebrated to commemorate fifty years of operations since inauguration.
We have a strong team of professionals comprising of Agriculture Graduates, Chemists and post graduates in Business management involved in operations and strategy, with long service records with us. In acknowledgement of strong HR practices, the organization has been certified, for consecutive years, by GPTW as “Great Place to Work”.