- Metalaxyl belongs to acylalanine group and Mancozeb belongs to dithiocarbamate group
- Systemic and contact fungicide with curative and protective action
Trade Name: MASHOOR
Formulation Type: 8% + 64% WP
Active Ingredient: Metalaxyl + Mancozeb
Mode of Action
- Inhibits protein synthesis by interference with the synthesis of ribosomal RNA and thereby prevents growth and reproduction of fungi
- Disrupts lipid metabolism
Salient Features
- Absorbed by leaves, stem and roots
- Controls air and soil borne diseases
- Applications should be made immediately after the spray solution is prepared
- Ensure thorough and uniform coverage
- For effective results, spray when first symptoms of disease are noticed.
Crops: | Diseases: | Dosage per Ha |
Grapes | Downy Mildew | 2500g or 0.5% |
potato | Late Blight | 2500g or 0.25% |
Mustard | White Rust, Alternaria Blight | 2500g or 0.25% |
Pearl millet | Downy Mildew | 2000g or 0.4% |
Tobacco (nursery) | Damping off | 5000g or 1.0% |
Tobacco | Leaf Blight, Black Shank (Soil drench at sowing and spray at 30 DAS) | 2000g or 0.2% |
Black Pepper | Phytophthora Foot Rot | 2.5 g per vine or 0.125% |
Method of Application
Foliar spray and soil drenching
Compatible with most of the products.
100 g, 250 g, 500 g & 1 kg
No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.
Use PPE during application. Read and follow all instructions on the label and leaflet thoroughly.
Toxic Level
Triangle colour: Blue, moderately toxic Cautionary Word: Danger